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Our research projects

Parametric Analysis of Cracked Beam

Structural damage to aerospace, mechanical, and civil engineering systems can result in catastrophic failure and hence it is crucial to detect damage at the early stages of cracking. The identification of nonlinearity caused by the contact behavior between crack surfaces can be used for structural health monitoring. In this research line, we conduct both computational and experimental analyses to parametrically investigate the nonlinear features of cracked structures. We find that sub-harmonic resonances can be used as an indicator for identifying damage in beam-type structures.

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  • Hsu, C.-L., Tien, M.-H. Parametric Analysis of the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Cracked Cantilever Beam. ASME J. Vib. Acoust. 2023. [link]

Time-Domain & Frequency-Domain Analysis of Structures with Cracks

Understanding the dynamic features of cracked structures plays an important role in structure health monitoring. The nonlinearity caused by breathing cracks eliminates the used of efficient linear analysis techniques. In this research line, we propose both time-domain and frequency-domain methods to enable efficient analysis of forced response for cracked structures. The periodic response, quasi-periodic response, and chaotic motion of the cracked systems can be efficiently analyzed. 

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  • Tien, M.-H., D’Souza, K. Transient dynamic analysis of cracked structures with multiple contact pairs using generalized HSNC. Nonlinear Dyn. 2019. [link]

  • Tien, M.-H., D’Souza, K. A generalized bilinear amplitude and frequency approximation for piecewise-linear nonlinear systems with gaps or prestress. Nonlinear Dyn. 2017. [link]

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